
Ortrun Bauer

Ortrun Bauer

+43 664 2313694




Ortrun Bauer, born in Berlin, started studying Violoncello at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. After that she finished her studies of cinematography and editing at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. Working as a camera assistant on commercials and fiction films with Austrian and international productions during the period of studying she made great experiences.
Since 1991 Ortrun Bauer is working as a freelance cinematographer for fiction film, documentaries, art film productions and image films, with great pleasure to do the editing as well.


German (native) | English (fluent) | French (basic)


Special Skills

16mm, 35mm

Selected Credits

gewesen sein wird. Die Wohnung von Heinz Frank | experimental film | D: Sasha Pirker | P: Sasha Pirker | Austria | 2022

Appearances | Dancefilm | D: Theo Krausz | P: Theo Krausz | Austria | 2021

Menschenkinder | TV - 40 Episodes | D: André Heller | P: Dor-Film | Austria | 2013 - 2019

inner strength | Documentary | D+P: O. Bauer, J. Sengschmied, M.Stöger |  Austria | 2002

Kino im Kopf, | Feature Film | Operator | D: Michael Glawogger | P: Dor-Film |  Austria | 1996

Happy Birthday, Türke | Feature Film | 2nd Unit | D: Doris Dörrie | P:Cobra-Film | Germany | 1992

Der Einzug des Rokkoko in das Inselreich der Huzzis | D: Mara Mattuschka | P: Mara Mattuschka | Austria | 1989



Jule Katinka Cramer


+49 176 23 50 82 87


CREW UNITED         DOcUmentary SERIEs


Jule Katinka Cramer's cinematography can be intimate without being intrusive. Through her camera, she casts an emphatic, embracing gaze: "It's a beautiful, humane and deeply felt picture." (Criterioncast on "Instructions for Survival" 2021).
In her early 20s she trained at the ZeLIG School for Documentary Film in Bolzano, Italy. After ten years of freelancing as a camera and sound person in Berlin she went to study cinematography at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne in 2014. Her graduation film "In Search..." (D: Beryl Magoko, 2018) won more than 20 awards at international film festivals.


German (native) | English (fluent) | French (basic) | Italian (basic)


Special Skills


Selected Credits

Igor Levit NO FEAR | feature documentary | D:  Regina Schilling | P: zero one film | Germany | 2022

Instructions for Survival | feature documentary| D: Yana Ugrekhelidze | P: Fortis Fem Film | Germany | 2021

Solange sie noch Arme haben | feature documentary | D: Luisa Bäde P: Bäde, KHM | Germany | 2019

In Search… | feature documentary | D: Beryl Magoko | P: Magoko, Cramer, KHM | Germany | 2018

Mitología Placentera | short documentary | D: Lara Rodríguez Cruz | P: Kinopatio, KHM | Germany | 2018

Eva Sola | short film | D: Lara Rodríguez Cruz | P: Kinopatio, KHM | Germany | 2018

Wiegenlieder | feature documentary | D: Tamara Trampe und Johann Feindt | P: zero one film | Germany | 2010


Zamarin Wahdat

Zamarin Wahdat

+49 162 6325605


Website          AGENcy          REEL

Born in Afghanistan and raised in Germany, Zamarin Wahdat attended NYU Tisch School of the Arts Graduate film program as a Dean’s Fellow. Her work as a cinematographer screened at numerous film festivals including Sundance and Tribeca. Zamarin participated in the Film Independent Project Involve Fellowship program, where she shot LIBERTY which received the Special Prize of the Berlinale Generation 14plus International Jury 2019. In 2020 she received an Academy Award for the short documentary "Learning how to Skate in a Warzone'' (if you’re a girl), and was selected for the American Society of Cinematographer’s Vision Mentorship Program. Zamarin just finished shooting her feature debut film DESIRE OF THE PREY produced by Junafilm and Elevation in Canada. She is a FACE TO FACE ambassador with German Films and a member of the IFCF (International Collective of Female Cinematographers) and Sporasco.


German (native) | English (fluent) | Dari (native) | Farsi (fluent)


Special Skills

Analog Film | Gimbal

Selected Credits

Desire of the Prey | Feature Film | D: Carly Borgstrom | P: Junafilm, Elevation | Germany, Canada | 2022 

Die Schöffin | TV series | D: Mia Spengler | P: Moovie | Germany | 2021

Tatort Schattenleben | TV feature | D: Mia Spengler | P: Wüste Filmproduktion | Germany | 2021

I am Sara | Feature Documentary | D: Charlie Feldman | P: Doc Days | Germany | 2022

Learning to Skate in a Warzone (if you are a girl) | Mid Length Documentary | 2nd Unit Dop | D: Carol Dysinger | P: Grain Media | UK | 2020

BUCK | Short Film | D: Elegance Bratton, Jovan James| P: Independent | USA | 2019

Liberty | Short Film | D: Faren Humes | P: Film Independent | USA | 2019


Ulrike von Au

Ulrike von AU | (Agency)

+49 157 31337484 | +49 30 55271255 (Agency)


Website         INSTAGRAM         SHOWREEL


Ulrike von Au studied at the Babelsberg Film University and is a passionate cinematographer and filmmaker. She feels at home in both documentary and scenic film. Her practice combines the active listening and attention to detail and authenticity that are vital components of documentary film with the imaginative staging of scenes and characters as an interpretation of our reality. Her focus is always on how she positions herself with the camera in relation to the actors in front of the camera. She finds great value in staying close and working harmoniously with everyone involved in a project. In terms of content she is particularly interested in socio-political topics.


German (native) | English (fluent)


Special Skills

16mm |  8mm

Selected Credits

Call me DJ! | documentary series | D: Rosanna Grüter | P: LoadStudios GmbH | Germany | 2022

Einklang | documentary | D: Clara Schmieder | P: LoadStudios GmbH | Germany | 2022

Ectoriders | short film | D: Milena Bühring, Klara Kirsch, Lisa Kaschubat | P: FFF-Film Productions | Germany | 2022

A Transient Taste | TV feature (30min) | D: Eva Neidlinger | P: rbb/Filmuniversität Babelsberg | Germany | 2021

Voll | short film | D: Sianne Gevatter | P: Filmuniversität Babelsberg | Germany | 2021

A way of breathing | short documentary | D: Brenda Jorde | P: Filmuniversität Babelsberg | Iran | 2020

heat | music video | D: Lea Pech | Germany | 2020



Lisa Voelter


contact through website:




Lisa Voelter has graduated from Munich Film School in 2019 with a diploma in cinematography. She is freelancing as DOP, editor and director. In 2023 she shot her first featurelength documentary in New York. Her main emphasis are experimental films, music videos and documentary films.


German (native) | English (fluent) | French (basic)


Special Skills

analog film | Gimbal | Color Grading

Selected Credits

Art is your comfort zone | documentary | D: Lisa Voelter | P: Black&Forest Filmproduktion | USA | 2023

Camino de Santiago | documentary webseries | D: Lisa Voelter | P: Black&Forest Filmproduktion | Germany | 2021

Souci du Lendemain | experimental film | D: Lisa Voelter | P: Black&Forest Filmproduktion | Germany | 2020


Carolina Steinbrecher



Website         AGENcy         CREW UNITED


Carolina Steinbrecher works as a DoP in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Following her studies at Film Academy in Vienna, she enrolled in the Master’s program for Cinematography at Filmuniversity Babelsberg. „JIBRIL“ by Henrika Kull and the 2nd joint project „Glück/Bliss“ celebrated their premieres in 2018 and 2021 at the Berlinale. In 2020, the world premiere of the documentary film „Running on Empty“ by L. Weber (nominated for the Austrian Film Award) also took place there. In 2021, the film „Sargnagel“ (D: Hiebler-Ertl), shot together with A. Hawliczek, was released in cinemas. In 2021, the DoP took over a part of the documentary „TEOTWAWKI“ by J. Neuhaus, which was broadcasted on ARD in 2022. In 2022, Carolina Steinbrecher was part of Berlinale Talents and nominated for the German Cinematography Award for her camera work on „Glück/Bliss“. Her latest project is the 2nd season of the series „New Heights“ directed by C. Koch & A. Štaka in Switzerland.


German (native) | French (native) | English (fluent)


Special Skills

Analog Film

Selected Credits

New Heights TV series| D: Christian Koch & Andrea Staka | P: Zodiac Film | Switzerland | 2022

TEOTWAWKI | feature documentary | Co DoP mit Nikolai von Graevenitz | D: Julia Neuhaus | P: Das Kind mit der goldenen Jacke | Germany | 2022

Sargnagel, the movie | feature film | Co DoP mit Anna Hawliczek | D: Sabine Hiebler & Gerhard Ertl | P: Golden Girls Film | Germany | 2021

Bliss | feature film | D: Henrika Kull | P. Flare Film | Germany | 2021

Running on empty | feature documentary | D: Lisa Weber | P: Takacs Film | Austria | 2020

Beautiful you | short film | D: Bernadette Kolonko | P: Filmuniversität Babelsberg | Germany | 2019

Jibril | feature film | D: Henrika Kull | P: Filmuniversität Babelsberg | Germany | 2018


Theresa Maué

Theresa maué

+49 176 66608519


WebsitE         CReW UNITED

Theresa „Toni“ Maué, born 1985. In 2011 she started her career at the University of Television and Film Munich. Many years as 1. Assistant Camera gave her the opportunity to learn from some of the most excellent cinematographers and directors in the industry. She is always looking for new ideas to find the best possible way to convey the emotional aim of a scene. Theresa lives in Munich and works internationally as freelance cinematographer in the fictional and documentary field.


German (native) | English (fluent)


Special Skills

Underwater | Gimbal | Green Screen | Analog Film

Selected Credits

Familie Anders | TV Movie | Episodes 3-4 | D: Sebastian Stern | P: Roxyfilm | Germany | 2023

Familie Anders | TV Movie | Episodes 1-2 | D: Sophie Averkamp | P: Roxyfilm | Germany | 2022

SOKO Hamburg | TV Series | Episodes 46-48 | D: Sophie Averkamp | P: Network Movie | Germany | 2022

Freibad | Feature | B-Cam next to Hanno Lentz | D: Doris Dörrie | P: Constantin Film | Germany | 2022

Vierwändeplus | TV Series | D: Sophie Averkamp | P: Network Movie | Germany | 2022

Grrrls | short film | D: Natascha Zink | P: HFF München | Germany | 2020

Wie wir leben wollen | short film | D: Sophie Averkamp | P: NEOS Film | Germany | 2020


Rebecca Meining


+49 1773842151


Website        CREW UNITED

Born in Dresden in 1991, studied cinematography from 2011 to 2019 at the University of Television and Film in Munich. As a cinematographer, she shoots documentary, fictional and experimental films. She works with independent artists as well as with directors for television, series and cinema productions. Parallel to her work as a DOP, she also works as a freelance video artist for theater / music productions such as the Zurich Schauspielhaus or the Munich Kammerspiele. She currently lives and works in Berlin.


German (native) | English (fluent) | French (basic)


Special Skills

color grading | analog film | editing

Selected Credits

Deadlines | TV series | D: Johannes Boss, Annika Pinske | P: Turbokultur | Germany | 2022

In falschen Händen | TV feature | D: Mark Monheim | P: Claussen und Putz | Germany | 2021

Die Heimkehr der Spargelstecher | short film | D: Lara Scherpinski | P: Lara Scherpinski | Germany | 2021

Katakomben | TV series | B-Kamera & 2ndUnit | D: Jakob M. Erwa | P: Neue Super GmbH | Germany | 2020

Alles Übel der Welt | short film | D: Nicolai Zeitler | P: Nicolai Zeitler | Germany | 2020

Der Kopf der Katze | short film | D: Harriet & Peter Meining | P: MauserFilm & 42Film | Germany | 2020

Falter | short film | D: Harriet & Peter Meining | P: MauserFilm & 42Film | Germany | 2019



Meret Madörin


+49 151 17784676                     +49 30 314 969 60 (Agency)


Website           AGENcy          CREW UNITED


Early on it was clear to Meret Madörin, that both the photographic image and the cinematic moving image, and thus the work behind the camera, would be the common thread of her professional path. Meret Madörin has been working in the film industry since 2009. After completing her Bachelor of Arts (ZHdK, CH) and working as an assistant camera for numerous national and international feature films, series and TV-movies, she completed a Master's degree in Cinematography at the Film University Babelsberg (D) and successfully graduated with an M.F.A. Creating a new world through filmmaking is her passion. Meret Madörin is based in Berlin and Zurich and enjoys working worldwide.


German (native) | English (fluent) | French (basic)

Selected Credits

Puppen & Krieger | feature film | D: Lisa Blatter | P: Lomotion AG | Switzerland | 2024

Exile never ends | feature documentary | D: Bahar Bektas | P: Pink Shadow Films | Germany | 2023

Made in Germany | TV series | D: Anta Helena Recke & Duc Ngo Ngoc | P: Studio Zentral, ARD | Germany | 2023

There is no end to this story  | short film | D: Cosima Frei | P: Filmgerberei | Germany, Switzerland | 2022

Wir | TV series | D: Duc Ngo Ngoc | P: Studio Zentral, ZDF | Germany | 2022

Geheime Schatten | TV feature | D: Stefan Westerwelle | P: Studio Zentral | Germany | 2022

Trading Happiness | short film | D: Duc Ngo Ngoc | P: ever rolling film, filmuniversity Babelsberg | Vietnam, Germany | 2019


Lena Katharina Krause

Lena Katharina Krause |

+49 157 75968188  |  +49 40 4327663 (agency)


Website        AGENCY

Fascinated by stories on paper and in the theater, inspired by traveling around the world to make documentarys. She moved to Berlin to study film and television. During her studies she worked as a camera assistant for various productions for feature films, commercials and series, as well as at the camera rental company Cinegate Berlin. She completed her film studies at the FH Dortmund with a Master of Arts and then studied at the Hamburg Media School from 2018-2020. Her graduation film "I AM" was nominated for the Student Academy Award. Her films have been shown at numerous national and international festivals e.g. Camerimage, Film Festival Max Ophüls Preis and FIRST STEPS. She is a lecturer at the Design Factory in Hamburg.


German (native) | English (fluent) | Spanish (good basic knowledge)


Special Skills

Analog Film | Gimbal | Color Grading

Selected Credits

Tatort Restschuld | TV Feature | D: Claudia Garde | P: Bavaria Fiction | Germany | 2023
Tenéz | Short | D: Maximilian Nita | P: Maximilian Nita Produktion | Germany | 2023
Tatort Jackpot | TV Feature | D: Christian Theede | P: Bavaria Fiction | Germany | 2023
Ein Fall für Zwei | TV Series | D: Till Müller-Edenborn | P: Odeon Fiction | Germany | 2023
Seeland TV | Feature Film | D: Holger Hasse | P: Polyphon Pictures | Germany | 2022
Only Your TurnFeature Film | D: Erik Hamann | P: HFBK | Germany | 2021
I AM | Short | D: Jerry Hoffmann | P: Hamburg Media School | Germany | 2020

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