I was born in the Burgundy region of France in an artist family and I developed an early interest in photography and cinema. After my Studies at the Louis-Lumière School, I served as assistant to a number of well known cinematographers. Work on various international shootings brought me to Berlin, where I have worked as a director of photography on both documentaries and fiction film.
French | English | German

Selected Credits
Albrecht Schnider | documentary | D: Rita Ziegler | P: Point de vue | Switzerland | 2019
Girl of Paaddhai |documentary | D: Natalia Preston | P: N.Preston | Germany | 2019
Mirga Grazinyte-Tyla going for impossible |documentary | R: D.Schmidt-Langels | P: Euroarts | 2018
Having a cigarette with Alvaro Siza | documentary | D: I.Dilthey | P: Credofilm | Germany | 2016
Aus dem Abseits | documentary | D: S.Brückner | P: Credofilm | Germany | 2014
Wo ich wohne | doc-feature | D: C.Nagel | P: Kurt Mayer Film | Austria| 2014
Min Dît die Kinder von Diyarbakir | feature| D: M.Bezar| P: Fatih Akin, corazón international | Germany, Turkey | 2010