In 2006 I graduated from the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Since then I have worked as a Cinematographer and shot documentary films and scenic projects. Several works have won awards at renowned festivals, for example, the Grimme-Preis 2009 and the First Steps Award 2008 for "Sonbol" and the Students Award at International Human Rights Film Festival 2006 for "Banffy Castle". "Downtown Kids - Stefan" was nominated for the Grimme-Preis 2016. I live in Cologne.
German | English (fluently) | French (basic)

Selected Credits
Once to be a prince | Documentary | D: Wilm Huygen | P: 2pilots | Germany | 2018
Retirees in jail | Documentary | D: Franziska Hessberger | P: WDR | Germany | 2017
Safet dances | Documentary | D: Insa Onken | P: WDR | Germany | 2015
Downtownkids - Stefan | Documentary | D: Bettina Braun | P: B´Braun Produktion | Germany | 2015
The exhibition match | Short Film | D: Insa Onken | P: KHM Köln | Germany | 2010
Sonbol | Documentary | D: Niko Apel | P: Filmakademie BW, SWR Junger Dokumentarfilm, Laube Film | Germany | 2007
Worldstar | Documentary | D: Natasa von Kopp | P: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg | Germany | 2006