Sonja Rom majored in film at the DFFB Filmacademy in Berlin and at the AFI in Los Angeles. Shooting feature films in diverse genres since 1994 as a freelance cinematographer, with great pleasure in handheldstyle movies. Nominated for best camera at the German Film Academy in 2016 for Chris Kraus "Bloom of Yesterday".
German (native) | English (fluent) | Spanish (colloquial)

Selected Credits
The Bloom of Yesterday | feature film | D: Chris Kraus | P: Dorfilm, Fourminutes | Germany | 2016
The Red Ruby Trilogy | feature film | D: Felix Fuchssteiner | P: Memfilm, Lieblingsfilm | Germany | 2013
The Coming Days | feature film | D: Lars Kraume | P: Badlands Film | Germany | 2010
Attack Force | feature film | D: Michael Keusch | P: Clubdeal | Romania | 2006
Tiptoes | feature film | R: Matthew Bright| P: The Marshak-Zachary Comp | USA | 2003
Ted Bundy | feature film | D: Matthew Bright| P: Incessant Barking | USA | 2001
Crazy | feature film | D: Hans Christian Schmid | P: Claussen & Wöbke | Germany | 1999