Greta Isabella Conte recently graduated from the renowned Konrad Wolf Film Academy in Babelsberg with a Master of Fine Arts in Cinematography in 2024, where she was encouraged to follow her intuition and trained to create an intimate connection between the camera and her subjects. Since 2019 Greta is an active scholarship holder of - The German Academic Scholarship Foundation. In 2024, she received the award for "Best Cinematography" in the feature film category at the International Women's Film Festival Cologne/Dortmund (IFFF) for her graduation film "About Them". Her work has been nominated for "Best work shot on film", among others, and has been shown at many international film festivals.
German (native) | English (fluent)
Special Skills
16mm | 35 mm | 8mm | Mini DV
Selected Credits
About Them | Feature film | D: Moritz Krämer | P: Jost Hering Filme/ ZDF Kleines Fernsehspiel | Germany | 2024
Muschicraft | Commercial | D: Manuela Bastian | P: Soup Filmproduktion | Germany | 2024
TELEKOM x Young | Commercial | D: Tatjana Wenig | P: TEMPOMEDIA | Germany | 2023
INTERSPORT x Women | Commercial | D: Jabu Newman | P: Offshoot Berlin | Germany | 2023
ARMEDANGELS Detox Denim - THE PERFECT PAIR | Commercial | D: Greta Isabella Conte & Hannah Schwaiger | P: THE GAABS | Germany | 2022
BEAUTIFUL - Die Schönmacher | TV Documentary Series | D: Julia Krampe | P: RTL + FilmFive | Germany | 2022
G E M - Cerulean Eyes | Music video | D: ANOTHER EXCESS | P: Annalena Kümmel & Vanessa Rinösl | Germany | 2022