Alicja Pahl

+41 76 6902911


Just after landing in this world I was directly moved with bag and baggage from Poznan to Nuremberg. After the A-levels I studied cinematography at the polish national film school in Lodz. Then I built my base camp in Berlin from where I swarmed out for filming all over Germany, Europe and the USA. My work on motion picture is characterized by natural lighting and sensual macro-shots. My trademark is an inconspicuous and at the same time movement. The polish Documentary School is my home when it comes to this genre. This means little staging and an observing, waiting camera.


German | English | Polish | Spanish

Special Skills

16mm | 35mm | editing | digital image processing | motion graphic | green box | underwater cinematography | drones

Selected Credits

Jenseits des Sichtbaren | documentary | D: Halina Dyrschka | P: Ambrosia Film | Germany | 2018

Making Of History | documentary | D: Gregor Eppinger | P: Sehstern Filmproduktion| USA, Germany |2012

9einhalbs Abschied | short film | D: Halina Dyrschka | P: Ambrosia Film | Germany | 2010

Die Lichtung | short film | 30 min | D: Lucas Tietjen | P: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln| Germany | 2008

Lieber Muslim |short documentary | 32 min | D: Kerstin Nickig | P: Time Prints Filmproduktion | Germany, Poland  | 2005

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